Bobby grant to New Plymouth Rangers Football Club

Grant funding is a vital source of financial support for many organisations, particularly those operating in the sporting sector. The impact of grant funding can be significant, providing resources that enable clubs to deliver programs, purchase equipment, and undertake initiatives that may not have been possible otherwise.
Bobby provides funding for sporting clubs and organisations in New Zealand, and when the New Plymouth Rangers were seeking funding for junior goals, uniforms and balls, they successfully received the funding they needed to provide opportunities for players of all ages and abilities.
“The New Plymouth Rangers Football Club is a hub for the local community, and while football is the focus of the organisation, it is an inclusive club that connects with many,” said John Sigurdsson, Club Captain.
The grant application process for the club was straightforward, after identifying their needs prior to the start of the junior season and aligning their goals with the knowledge of Bobby’s work supporting community sport in New Zealand.
“The successful grant has enabled us to grow with the demand, as our junior programme expands. We are always striving to better our club for the benefit of our community, and are identifying opportunities for other improvements now, such as a play space in our clubrooms and an accessible bathroom with a baby change area,” John said.
The club has adapted over time to meet the changing needs of the community. It is continually striving to better the club for the benefit of everyone in the community, not just current members
“We provide a space for disabled people to enjoy football, and create a safe place where families can all be involved in the club. New Plymouth Rangers provide football opportunities for everyone in our community, from grassroots to high performance, four-year-olds in First Kicks to Masters football and tournaments.”
The club’s long-term goal is to ensure that families feel part of something and treasure that experience.
Bobby is proud to play a part in supporting local community organisations and improving the odds for everyone.